How to get along with inner hysterical personality?

Aleksei Samoilov
5 min readOct 25, 2020


handle emotion

Everyone has their knowledge, skills, and behavioral model. But the chance of a successful outcome is multiplied by the coefficient of emotional state.

You need to be able to keep your morale up. So, how to get along with inner hysterical personality?

Let’s step by step found out how to change emotional state:

  • from being lost and irritated to normal state;
  • from aggression to normal state;
  • from fear and unconfident to normal state;
  • form normal state to normal state (balancing);
  • from normal state to best form.

Key world:
Tilt, Amygdala hijack, personal attack, positive thinking, optimal combat state.

From being lost and irritated to normal state

In case of problems in sports, long repeating conflict at work, or with a close person, mini depression named tilt appears.

Tilt (in sport) is a player’s state caused by huge emotions from defeats (less often — winnings). There are feels such as out of power, irritation. The player stops doing his best, loses concentration, plays in an unusual style, and makes the wrong decisions.

Everyone sometimes feels tilt and it’s far beyond competitive games.

What to do to minimize the damage and duration of this condition?

  • highlight successes and praise for big and small victories;
  • say words of encouragement and support and increasing;
  • build a victory plan and concentrate on it;
  • minimize focus on negative and failures that don’t possible to fix;
  • breathe deeply, restoring the physiological rhythm;
  • make pause and rest, or positively chat about something distracted.

Note: failure analysis is important and necessary. But do it in parallel with the next active action without loss is impossible.

Also worth talking about a situation of high discomfort due to feeling personal attack. Somebody roughly says directly to you, slowly cross via road, while you rush to a meeting, loudly speaks via phone on public transport when you have a headache.

This is all more irritable than usual because it is taken to heart. For removing unnecessary negative emotions, you should realize that opponent doesn’t attitude badly toward you or wants to hurt you. First of all, he is experiencing his own personal problem. Because everyone is an egoist.

Mama scolds for bad school grades because she wants to nice future for her child, but not due to she thinks that he is a bad fool boy. No sense to run away from home.

Getting rid of the feeling of personal attack makes it much easier not to lose control of situations and to take the right next step.

From aggression to normal state

When quarrel or conflict happens, there is appeared a wish immediately doing aggressive and angry staff.

According to Mark Goulston’s book “Just Listen” it’s named “Amygdala hijack”. Amygdala captures the mind in moments of threat or danger and activates our instincts, turns off analysis and logic.

In a world where people don’t hunt mammoths anymore but build a future with close people and colleagues, it only gives hurt long-term relationships.

So, how to get away from Amygdala hijack? Self-analysis and initiative interception by the intellect.

When you start feeling annoying, you must do

  1. physical self-analysis. Identify sensations such as muscle stress, heartbeat, dizziness. Select and call by name. It helps you take a control of them.
  2. emotional self-analysis. Connect feeling with the names of emotions. For example, say to yourself “I’m very angry” or “I feel disappointed”. Accurately definition helps prevent Amygdala hijack.
  3. impulse self-analysis. Say yourself: “These feelings force me ___”. Understanding impulse helps you resit them.
  4. consequences analysis. Answer the question: “If I do what impulses force me to, then what will happen?”.
  5. decision analysis. End sentence: “Better for me if I do ___”
  6. benefit analysis. Say yourself: “If I do what is best for me, I will get the following benefits: ___”

By the time you complete these six steps, you will know what you need to do to avoid danger crash and be calm enough for doing according own advice.

From fear and unconfident to normal state

Let’s found out another close situation. A person doesn’t feel confident before some event. Then worrying appears and the future is imagined in a dark tone. In the event, the person does a lot of mistakes and spreads hesitation to others. In conclusion, it significantly decreases the chance of a successful result of an important meeting.

So for avoiding it, need postpone worrying due to factors that you cannot or don’t want to change. Instead, you must boost your determination. This is positive thinking.

“The ideological method of positive thinking is a way of deconstruction of false or non-existing negative reality and impulse in mind that appeared only due to false projecting.” © Russian Wikipedia

There is a necessary focus on success and action to achieve it, not fear obstacles. You need to feel positive, optimistic, and aim focused.

“I can do it. It will be great. It’s what I want” — say it and life will become easier.

From normal state to normal state (balancing)

Even you are with a general background of emotional state, every day there is a lot of little events, that can cause negativity and irritation. It’s all can have a cumulative effect.

do it for not explode accidentally:

  1. support physical condition — sleep, eat, sport.
  2. enjoy the current moment.
  3. Not spread negative. Don’t respond rage to rage.
  4. When negative has happened, you must determine it, understand what action now gives you the most benefit, then redirect energy there.

From normal state to best form

Normal conditional is good. But we say about sports matches, public speaking, serious negotiations or like, where the successful result is very important, you want to make a maximum effort. You need not good, but the best form.

In the sports world, Alekseev A. V. uses the definition “Optimal Combat State”. Inside this state, a sportsman has reached the best result.

To get in OCS, you need to review major components (physical, emotional, mental) and specific sensations of your best form. And describe it by word.

The exact words automatically call mental projection in mind. It becomes a major psychic power that determines state and behavior. If you repeat it regularly, these phrases become magical and you will turn into the improved best copy of yourself, that once was. And boost it with new skills and experiences.

Example of formulas of the shooter.

At first, there were 11 phrases:
1. I’m pleasantly excited.
2. Slightly aching heart and itchy teeth.
3. But hands and feet do not tremble.
4. I’m not afraid of anything
5. I feel confident in myself.
6. I direct my shooting, only my shooting!
7. Nothing foreign distracts me.
8. If I handle a gun, I fully concentrate to bullet flying start.
9. I shoot every target with anger.
10. Shoot softly and quickly.
11. Any misses only mobilizes me.

After three months there were only five left:
1. I highly collected and confident.
2. “I feel itchy teeth.”
3. Shoot soft and fast with anger.
4. Direct shooting only myself!
5. Don’t relax until the end. Finish series on a rise!

(example form book Alekseev A. V. “Overcome yourself!”)

Try it. It works.


The world is full of irritants. It fills life with bright colors. But, if negative color is too much, need to start managing them.

Prepare, don’t worry, think with your head what you need and everything will be fine!

